Sunday, December 23, 2012


Waves of exhaustion
Wash over me
Long before bedtime
So I medicate earlier
Every day
In the hopes of maybe
Getting a good nights rest
And waking up rested
Tomorrow morning
And the wave
Washes over


  1. Just want to say that I don't know you, you don't know me, but I read your blog from start to finish, and get really excited each time a new post from your blog appears in my reader! Recorded reaction (in my head) when I saw there was a post from you: "Yay!"
    Sorry to hear you're having sleeping problems... It's not fun... Hope things start to work out soon!
    Stay strong!

  2. (hug)
    LS, you'll make it through this. You can do this. You are strong, a real fighter.


c'mon, i know you're reading this! what do you think?