Monday, January 19, 2009

showers V

last night,
i had a miracle
happen to me.

last night,
i took a shower
without It, you see.

last night,
i didn't hurt,
i was there all the way.

last night,
i took a shower,
and survived anyway!


  1. Mazal tov! I am so glad to hear that. Hashem should help you so that you can continue on your path to a full recovery. (although I know that you will never be able to erase your past)

  2. Great news. Well done. Keep it up and keep going strong.

  3. I am so happy to hear this.

  4. Tee hee

    [covers mouth]

    Knew you could do it! Didn't I tell you you could?!

    Great job! Be proud of yourself, kiddo!!


  5. Mazal tov! I'm so happy for you! :)


  6. Happily there are some significant changes!!! Keep up!

  7. shef, SD,Frayda, ora, FR,scraps and dude-thanks

    rebbetzen-you i gotta deal with seperately. you think i can do anything, so i don't think you've shtuched me yet! but someday, maybe you will..........

    someday. far off.

  8. Sorry-ls- just noticed that last comment you wrote-----another PROOF. :-D
    Can you give me 24 hours before you refute it? Or just don't. ;)

  9. no, i won't bother trying to refute it, SD. only cuz i don't remember what i was thinking when i wrote that, except for that i didn't think rebbetzen shtuched me

  10. But you said it- and that is proof that you had that feeling- even if you didn't realize it. Sorry.


c'mon, i know you're reading this! what do you think?