Monday, April 6, 2009

goals V

this week i will...

~eat two meals every day

this is dumb. i can't think of anything else!


  1. hearty appitite, dear...

    btw, where do you find food these days? where ever i go everything is covered over...with these big "do not enter" signs... it's the 'starve till pesach' season...


    p.s. one goal is better than none...helps to keep you focused...

  2. When I see this goal, I don't think it's dumb. What I think is "Hey, this is the week that all the goals on the list will be met!"

    Bon apetit ;-)

  3. so far...on yom tov, i managed two meals a day, cuz each day had a night meal and a day meal. shabbos day i managed only one. today...well, i still have time for a second one.


c'mon, i know you're reading this! what do you think?